by Navtilus
Just a moment, logging you in...
Få overblik, planlæg, spor og optimer dine serviceopgaver.
This application is available only in Danish
Få samlet data og forbundet arbejdsgange på tværs af afdelinger og funktioner.
Med et suverænt digitalt overblik over aftalte opgaver, tilgængelige ressourcer og ledigt materiel får du optimeret planlægningsopgaver, reduceret tidsforbruget og kvalitetssikret opgaveløsningen.
I kan vælge at begynde med et enkelt modul og bygge ud i takt med, at behovet opstår, og organisationen kan følge med.
At a glance
Other apps from Navtilus
Mandatory FieldsNavtilusEnables you to setup that certain fields on records in a table are mandatory to fill.
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Business Central
SimpleAPINavtilusSimple API an integration tool for Excel, Power BI, Power Platform and other
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Business Central
Extended Producer Responsibility - PackagingNavtilusKeep track and manage all your packaging usage informations inside BC. (DK: Producentansvar)
Applicable to:
Business Central
Notification ManagementNavtilusEnables you to have control over the users "My Notifications", includes assisted management helper.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Waste SolutionNavtilusThe NWS app ensures comprehensive tracking and documentation for hazardous waste management.
Applicable to:
Business Central